
Utility Assistance LiHEAP

C.R.D.C. will open the 2025 Winter Liheap Regular/Crisis program on 1/6/25.


Application Days and Times:

Our offices are now open to the public.
Contact your local office for more information on how to apply and what documentation is needed for the application.

The application days and hours for each county can be found here Application Hours & More Info.

The Low-Income Home Energy Assistance Program (LIHEAP) provides eligible households with help in paying utility bills. The program pays benefits of fixed amounts based on household income. An additional benefit is available to eligible households having a high energy burden.

Eligibility is based on annualized income and the number of members in the household. The Winter Program will assist with current, past due and shut off heating bills. All payments are made directly to the vendor.

Special provisions are made for those households whose utility cost is included in their rent and those living in subsidized housing.

Download LIHEAP Application Form

Income Eligibility

The below Income Eligibility chart shows the most money your household can make per month to qualify for LIHEAP, depending on the number of people in your household. It is subject to change; if you're not sure whether you qualify, contact us.

Applications are accepted at Human Service Centers in our eight-county service area. If you are interested in applying, call  to find out how.

Download LIHEAP Eligibility Chart

There Are Two Primary Types Of LIHEAP Assistance
  • 1. Regular Assistance — is available for eligible households during the application period of the winter and/or summer programs. This type of assistance is a one-time payment per household per program. Subsequent applications for this assistance during the same program by the same household, or a member of a household having received a Regular Assistance benefit, will be denied.

  • 2. Crisis Assistance — is available for eligible households during designated application periods. This type of assistance is a one-time benefit per household per program not to exceed $600. Subsequent applications for this type of assistance during the same program, by the same household or member of a household, having received a crisis benefit, will be denied.

Appeal Process

If you would like to place an appeal, please refer to this document Appeal Process Documentation

Rights & Responsibilities

Rights & responsibilities of applicants and recipients
Rights & Responsibilities

Under state and federal law, Liheap benefits are not considered income or resources for any purpose, including taxation.

Contact Your Local LIHEAP Assistance Office
County Address Town Phone
Craighead Lawrence Hamilton 2114 N. Church JB, AR Jonesboro (870) 802-7100
Crittenden 2003 W. Broadway West Memphis (870) 400-4023
Cross 325 Magnolia Street Wynne (870) 238-2726
Greene 901 E. Lake St. (Mission Outreach) Paragould (870) 239-3531
Jackson 2000 McLain Street Newport (870) 523-5474
Poinsett 406A Market Street Harrisburg (870) 932-0106
St. Francis 224 N. Rosser Forrest City (870) 630-0193
Woodruff 306 E. 3rd St. McCrory (870) 347-1458

Documentation Needed With Application:
  • - Proof of Income for all household members 18 years and older from previous month.
  • - State or government issued ID of applicant.
  • - Proof of SSN such as copy of SS card or tax document is required for each household member 18 and older.
  • - Copy of utility bills — gas, electric, and/or propane.
  • - Proof of Social Security, SSI, Retirement, Pensions, Workman’s Comp, Disability, Unemployment, Foster Care Support, VA Benefit s and/or Utility Allowance —All from the Previous month for any member of the household that receives benefit.
  • - Knowledge of resources such as checking, savings, and other asset totals


  • - Zero Income Documentation Form must be completed along with verifiable contribution and/or collateral statements to show how bills have been paid.
  • - Print-out of unemployment for all household members who are 18 years of age or older is required.

* Please be advised that you might be asked for further documentation at time of interview when submitting application.

Regular Applications will be processed and paid 35 days after completed application is submitted. During the Crisis portion of the program, applications will be processed within 48 hours of the completed application being submitted. If the application is approved, the pledge will be paid and payment will follow to the utility company within 20 days. An application MUST HAVE ALL required documentation with it in order to be considered as a completed application. If an application (regular or crisis) is marked as pending, you will receive a Notice of Action and have 10 days to return the needed documentation or the application will be marked as denied.