View All of CRDC Services

Find out what CRDC can help you and your family with

Substance Abuse Treatment

Addiction can destroy your family, yourself, and your dreams. Addiction will continue to control your life is you don't reach out and get treatment.

Utility Assistance

It usually starts in January and runs through March and again in July and runs until the program runs out of funding. This program assists with both regular bills and disconnect notices.

North East Arkansas Transit

Afforable, rural transport that can provide transport for: shopping, medical, socialization, employment, education, or public services/facilities

The Mission of Crowley's Ridge Development Council Helping people... changing lives!

To create opportunities for disadvantaged individuals and families to achieve greater self-sufficiency.

We value your input

See the results from our Annual Customer Satisfaction Survey, and how your input is used to help us better serve our communities. We want you to be part of our process for shaping the future of our organization and how we direct services.

Annual Customer Satisfaction Survey Results. )

Customer Complaint Form )

Notice of Nondiscrimination )

Return Requested Documentation

The links provided below are for returning requested information only. General inquiries must be made via telephone by calling 870.802.7100.

CSBG Documentation )

HEAP Documentation )

Weatherization Documentation )

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